Tour of Queens Plaza at 2018 OHNY Weekend

Open House New York is an annual event celebrating buildings and projects around New York City–from workspaces and cultural venues to private residences and infrastructure facilities–open up for tours and talks with architects, urban designers, historians, preservationists, and civic leaders.

MPA has always been an active member of the event. In the past years, we presented Duane Street Live Work Loft and Elmhurst Community Library.

This year, on Saturday, Oct 13th, MPA principal Linda Pollak led a tour of Queens Plaza, telling the story and design process behind the project.

Photo credit to Rocco Cetera

Center for Active Design features Elmhurst Community Library and Queens Plaza in its new publication “Assembly: Civic Design Guideline”

MPA is proud to have two of our projects, Elmhurst Community Library and Queens Plaza Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements, included in The Center for Active Design’s recently released Assembly: Civic Design Guidelines, a new playbook for creating well-designed and well-maintained public spaces as a force for building trust and healing divisions in local communities.

Download Assembly from CfAD’s website.


132 Duane Street #1
New York, NY 10013
212 619 5560